Thursday, December 18, 2014

It's Scary

Losing your mind is scary.
You don't realize the pieces are gone until it's too late
and too many are missing.

I'm not exaggerating anymore.
Something is wrong but my voice just isn't loud enough for you.

I've stopped eating almost entirely
but the weight on my hips doesn't leave
so you don't notice.

You don't see my anymore because I don't want you
to have to see your daughter waste away.

You didn't sign up to deal with this so I try to hide it
But you know something is wrong and make me smile anyways.

I'm sorry I'm never there anymore
I really want to be and beat myself up even more every time I can't come

It's not as simple as
"Go to bed earlier"
"Move your alarm clock"
"Take a break" or
"Remember to breathe" anymore.

I'm slipping into the inferno.
It was just supposed to be a metaphor for a blog
not become my reality.


  1. It's not too late.

  2. Oh my gosh this is so real and deep. Thank you for sharing, and like Nelson said, I don't think it's ever too late.
    It's not as simple as
    "Go to bed earlier"
    "Move your alarm clock"
    "Take a break" or
    "Remember to breathe" anymore.

    This hit me hard because I feel the exact same way.

  3. Wow. Thanks for being real. Like they said, it's not too late.

  4. ❤ don't give up just yet dear, it's never too late. And please don't stop writing, this is beautiful
