Friday, August 29, 2014

Welcome to my Inferno

You're going to hear truths on this blog. Truths I have been hiding for almost 18 years. Hiding from people exactly like you because even though I will never be scared of you, I am scared of the thoughts inside our heads.

I am a quiet person with a loud mind. And I am not here to impress you, or anyone else. I am here because I need some place that I can take all the thoughts that are screaming at me and put them into the world so they can no longer terrorize me inside my head.

I may be bitter, and sarcastic, but I am optimistic. Until the very day I leave this dying world, you will never be able to convince me that tomorrow couldn't always be a better day.

I have no doubt that every single person who passes through my blog has been through hell and back, or are living in it right now. That is all life seems to be anymore, our own personalized Inferno.

I know I have been there.

I have a permanent vacation house in the darkest spot. It sits on a hill overlooking the fields of broken dreams and shattered hearts and crushed souls. It's the only vacation home I will ever have because I am not like the rest of the kids who go to my school who fly to the Caribbean for the weekend.

If I want something, anything, I am required to work for it. The only thing that has ever been handed to me was life, and even that was a mistake as I am the unfortunate result of a one night stand.

This blog is for you, to show you the truths of me. This blog is not for you, it's for my sanity. What's left of it anyways. And I suppose I'll let you be the judge of whether I have any left at all.


  1. Whoa. From the very first post. Tell 'em.

    the result of a one night stand.

    Oh snap.

    Welcome to the blogs.

  2. The first thing my professor told me on the first day of my Eng 290 class this week is that "good writing is about telling the truth". So I think you're headed in the right direction. #truth

  3. "You will never be able to convince me that tomorrow couldn't always be a better day" I like this. We need more optimistic people

  4. I have no doubt that every single person who passes through my blog has been through hell and back"

    Man I could not agree with you more.
